About Us


To be recognized globally as a top performer and innovative leader in the lottery industry and a trusted and valued organisation.

NLA Values

Integrity – We do the right thing. We are each personally accountable for the highest standard of behavior. We are honest, trustworthy, respectful, fair, and ethical in all of our actions. We comply with laws and regulations.

Quality – What we do, we do well, every day. Each of us is responsible for the quality of whatever we do. We are committed to providing premium products and outstanding services. We aspire for excellence every day and don’t take shortcuts on execution. We are flexible and learn from our mistakes. We work hard to exceed expectations.

Customer Centric – We understand our customers come to us by choice and we must earn their business every day. We are fanatical about customer service. We listen and respond to our customers. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Each of us is passionate about creating a winning experience for our customers.

Innovative – We continuously look for ways to improve our games, deliver our products, and serve our customers. We think outside the box and seek the best ideas from anywhere within the organization.

Fun – We believe in having a sense of humor and a “can do” attitude. We believe that work should be an inviting, friendly place. We celebrate achievement and understand that